14 charts has been updated in the GeoGarage platform
Linz September update published October 14, 2016 (Updated to NTM Edition 20)
- NZ5214 Marsden Point
- NZ5215 Whangarei Harbour
- NZ5219 Approaches to Marsden Point
- NZ5221 Cradock Channel and Mokohinau Islands
- NZ5222 Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island)
- NZ5223 Great Barrier Island (Northwestern Part)
- NZ5224 Great Barrier Island (Southern Part)
- NZ5227 Goat Island to Waiwera River
- NZ5312 Whangapoua Harbour
- NZ5318 Great Mercury Island / Ahuahu to Otara Bay
- NZ5321 Mahurangi Harbour to Rangitoto Island
- NZ5324 Tamaki Strait and Approaches including Waiheke Island
- NZ5411 Tauranga Harbour, Katikati Entrance to Mount Maunganui
- NZ5412 Port of Tauranga
Today NZ Linz charts (186 charts / 328 including sub-charts) are displayed in the Marine GeoGarage.
Note : LINZ produces official nautical charts to aid safe navigation in New Zealand waters and certain areas of Antarctica and the South-West Pacific.
These updates are automatically viewable on mobile applications :
- Weather 4D 2.0 iPhone-iPad iOS9+ on the Apple Store with subscriptions available on GeoGarage platform online payment website / Marine NZ for iOS6+
- Weather 4D Android -App-in purchase mode- on the PlayStore
Using charts safely involves keeping them up-to-date using Notices to Mariners
Reporting a Hazard to Navigation - H Note :
Mariners are requested to advise the New Zealand Hydrographic Authority at LINZ of the discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation, or shortcomings in charts or publications.