Australia with rasterized ENC : a new layer in the GeoGarage platform

August 2024


946 rasterized charts based on vector chart material (ENC) provided by the AHS and displayed as raster tiles have been added in in the GeoGarage platform

including charts for Antarctica (x11), Papua New Guinea (PG x168), Solomon Islands (x43) and Tonga (x18)
Today Australia ENC charts (946 ENCs) are displayed in the GeoGarage platform, both for B2B onshore webmapping but also right now for B2C mobile apps for navigation
Reminder : the Australian raster chart layer available since 2013 on the GeoGarage platform based on raster paper maps material was not allowed to be used for navigation on mobile applications (B2C) but only available for onshore webmapping and GIS applications (B2B) : 

Acoording to our original commercial license with AHS, our derivated product based on geoTIFF material directly provided by AHS (so no their former Seafarer RNC raster navigational files available in HCRF - Hydrographic Chart Raster Format - also used at UKHO for ECDIS/ECS navigation with ARCS raster charts ) was explicitly not to be used for navigation so never available for W4D/SailGrib mobile apps. That was and remains currently the AHS policy as a result of the geoTIFF product specification - AHS doesn't not regard the production process as leading to a product that is suited to any purpose other than general desktop visualisation and GIS work -. 

AHS gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and accepts no liability (including, without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs relating to any use of the data.

So this layer based on ENC material is now automatically viewable on mobile applicationswith subscriptions available on GeoGarage platform online payment website

Don't forget to visit the NtM Notices to Mariners (NtMs database)