Belgium Vlaamse update

June 2018


5 charts have been updated in the GeoGarage platform

11-00 Van Gravelines tot Ooskapelle
11-01 Nieuwpoort
11-02 Blankenberg
11-03 Oostende
11-04 Zeebruge
101-00 Monding Van de Westerschelde : Van Oostende tot Westkapelle
101-01 Bruge
101-03 Vlissingen
102-00 Frans-Belgishe Kust, Van Duinkerke tot Oostende
104-01 Monding Rupel-Helmiksem
104-02 Hemiksen-Hoboken
104-03 Antwerpen
104-04 Doel-Boerenschans
104-05 Saeftinge-Doel
104-06 Schaal
104-07 Walsoorden-Valkenisse
104-08 Hansweert
104-09 Terneuzen-Hansweert
104-10 Wielingen-Vlisssingen
106-00 Baalhoaek tot Antwerpen
106-01 Antwerpen tot Hoboken
106-02 Hoboken tot Wintam

These raster charts come from Vlaamse, in charge of all the official nautical documentation published in Belgium.

So today 35 Belgium/Vlaamse charts displayed in the GeoGarage platform (see catalog)

These charts will be very soon available for mobile applications :

Using charts safely involves keeping them up-to-date using Notices to Mariners